Gravity Forms Trello GPL WordPress AddOn
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Title: Boost Your Workflow with the Gravity Forms Trello WordPress AddOn


In today's fast-paced digital world, efficient task management is crucial for individuals and businesses. Fortunately, there are powerful tools available to help streamline workflows and improve productivity. This article explores the Gravity Forms Trello WordPress AddOn, a valuable integration that combines the flexibility of Gravity Forms with the organizational power of Trello boards.

Understanding Gravity Forms and Trello

1. Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms is a popular WordPress plugin allowing users to create and manage website forms. It provides a user-friendly interface for developing various forms, including contact forms, surveys, order forms, etc. Gravity Forms offers a range of advanced features, such as conditional logic, file uploads, and payment integration.

2. Trello

Trello is a highly regarded project management tool with a visual board system. It enables users to organize tasks, collaborate with team members, and track project progress effectively. Trello boards consist of lists, cards, and labels, visually representing workflow stages and task statuses.

Benefits of Integrating Gravity Forms and Trello

By integrating Gravity Forms with Trello, you can take advantage of the unique benefits offered by each tool and significantly enhance your workflow. Here are some key advantages:
  1. Seamless Task Management: With the Gravity Forms Trello WordPress AddOn, form submissions can be automatically transformed into Trello cards. This seamless integration ensures that all incoming form submissions are immediately converted into actionable tasks on your Trello board.

  2. Efficient Collaboration: Trello's collaborative features allow team members to collaborate seamlessly. By integrating Gravity Forms with Trello, you can assign tasks, set due dates, and monitor progress in real-time. This promotes efficient communication and collaboration within your team.

  3. Streamlined Workflows: The integration enables you to automate repetitive tasks and streamline workflows. By automatically creating Trello cards from Gravity Forms submissions, you can eliminate the need for manual data entry, reducing the risk of errors and saving valuable time.

  4. Enhanced Organization: Trello's visual boards and customizable lists enable you to categorize and prioritize tasks effectively. By integrating Gravity Forms, you can ensure that form submissions are appropriately categorized on your Trello board, making tracking and managing tasks easier.

How to Install and Set Up the Gravity Forms Trello WordPress AddOn

To get started with the Gravity Forms Trello WordPress AddOn, follow these simple steps:

  1. Install the Plugin: Navigate to the WordPress dashboard and go to "Plugins" > "Add New." Search for "Gravity Forms Trello AddOn" and click the "Install Now" button. Once the installation is complete, click "Activate."

  2. Configure the AddOn: After activating the plugin, go to "Forms" > "Settings" in the WordPress dashboard. Click on the "Trello" tab and enter your Trello API key and token. You can generate these credentials by creating a Trello API application.

  3. Create a Feed: Now, create a new form or edit an existing one using Gravity Forms. Under the "Form Settings" tab, click on "Trello Add-On" and select "Create New Feed." Configure the feed settings according to your requirements, such as board, list, and card details.

  4. Map Form Fields to Trello: You can map Gravity Forms fields to corresponding Trello card details in the feed settings. This allows you to accurately capture and transfer relevant data from form submissions to your Trello cards.

  5. Save and Test: Once you have configured the feed settings, save the feed, and test the integration. Submit a form entry and verify that a new Trello card is created with the correct data on your Trello board.

Enhancing Your Workflow with the Gravity Forms Trello WordPress AddOn

Once the integration is set up, you can leverage the full potential of the Gravity Forms Trello WordPress AddOn to enhance your workflow. Here are some tips to maximize its benefits:

  1. Automate Task Creation: By utilizing conditional logic within Gravity Forms, you can automatically create Trello cards only for specific form submissions that meet certain criteria. This lets you focus on essential tasks and avoid cluttering your Trello board.

  2. Assign Team Members: With the Gravity Forms Trello WordPress AddOn, you can assign specific team members to Trello cards directly from form submissions. This ensures that the right individuals are notified and responsible for each task, promoting accountability and efficient task management.

  3. Track Progress: Use Trello's card labels and due date features to track task progress. Use tags to categorize tasks based on priority, type, or other relevant criteria. Set due dates to ensure timely completion of tasks and monitor progress effortlessly.

  4. Integrate with Other Tools: The Gravity Forms Trello WordPress AddOn can be integrated with other popular tools and services, such as email marketing platforms or project management software. This enables you to create a comprehensive ecosystem that optimizes your workflow and boosts productivity.


The Gravity Forms Trello WordPress AddOn is a game-changer for individuals and businesses seeking to optimize their workflow and enhance productivity. Seamlessly integrating Gravity Forms with Trello allows you to automate task creation, streamline collaboration, and organize your projects efficiently. Take advantage of this powerful integration and experience a significant boost in your productivity today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I integrate multiple Gravity Forms with different Trello boards?

A: The Gravity Forms Trello WordPress AddOn allows you to create multiple feeds, each corresponding to a specific form and Trello board. This flexibility enables you to tailor the integration to your unique requirements.

Q: Is the Gravity Forms Trello WordPress AddOn compatible with the latest WordPress and Gravity Forms versions?

A: Yes, the Gravity Forms Trello WordPress AddOn is regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest WordPress and Gravity Forms versions. It is advisable to keep the plugin and your WordPress installation up to date for optimal performance.

Q: Can I customize the appearance of Trello cards created from Gravity Forms submissions?

A: While the Gravity Forms Trello WordPress AddOn automatically creates Trello cards based on form submissions, further customization of the card appearance and layout requires manual intervention within Trello itself. You can modify the card's content, add attachments, and apply other Trello-specific customizations.

Q: Are there any limitations or restrictions to consider when using the Gravity Forms Trello WordPress AddOn?

A: The Gravity Forms Trello WordPress AddOn functions within the capabilities and limitations of both Gravity Forms and Trello. It is recommended to review the documentation and support resources provided by the plugin developer to ensure smooth integration and address any specific requirements or limitations you may encounter.

Q: Can I uninstall the Gravity Forms Trello WordPress AddOn without affecting my existing Trello cards or Gravity Forms data?

A: Uninstalling the Gravity Forms Trello WordPress AddOn will not delete or modify your existing Trello cards or Gravity Forms data. However, performing a backup of your data before making any significant changes to your WordPress plugins or configurations is always recommended.

Q: Is the Gravity Forms Trello WordPress AddOn available for free?

A: The Gravity Forms Trello WordPress AddOn is a premium extension that requires a valid license to access its features. You can obtain the add-on from the official Gravity Forms website or authorized resellers. Pricing details and licensing options are on the official Gravity Forms website.

Remember, the Gravity Forms Trello WordPress AddOn is a powerful tool that can revolutionize task management and project collaboration. Embrace the integration, optimize your workflow, and unlock your true productivity potential.

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Item details
Version v2.0.1
Category WordPress Plugins
Latest update 2023-02-07
Comments 0
High resolution Yes
Sales 0
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