WPForms PayPal Standard GPL WordPress AddOn Latest Version
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WPForms PayPal Standard WordPress AddOn Latest Version: A Comprehensive Guide

1. Introduction

In the ever-evolving world of e-commerce, businesses must provide convenient and secure payment options to their customers. One popular tool that facilitates online transactions is WPForms PayPal Standard WordPress AddOn. In this article, we will delve into the latest version of this powerful add-on, exploring its features, benefits, and how to integrate it seamlessly into your WordPress website.

2. What is WPForms PayPal Standard WordPress Add-On?

WPForms PayPal Standard WordPress AddOn is a plugin designed to enhance the functionality of WPForms, a leading WordPress form builder. IIntegrating PayPal's Standard payment gateway allows businesses to accept payments easily and securely through their WordPress websites. Whether you're selling products or services or accepting donations, this add-on simplifies the payment process for you and your customers.

3. Benefits of WPForms PayPal Standard WordPress AddOn

Using the latest version of WPForms PayPal Standard WordPress AddOn provides several key benefits:

  • Expanded Payment Options: By integrating PayPal Standard, you offer customers a widely recognized and trusted payment method, boosting their confidence in purchasing from your website.

  • Enhanced Security: WPForms PayPal Standard WordPress AddOn ensures that payment transactions are encrypted and secure, protecting sensitive customer information.

  • Streamlined Checkout Process: With a user-friendly interface, the add-on simplifies the process, reducing cart abandonment rates and improving overall conversion rates.

  • Mobile Responsiveness: The add-on is fully optimized for mobile devices, allowing customers to pay from any smartphone or tablet conveniently.

  • Detailed Reporting: Gain insights into your sales and revenue with comprehensive reports that provide valuable data for making informed business decisions.

4. Features of the Latest Version

The latest version of WPForms PayPal Standard WordPress AddOn introduces several exciting features that enhance the overall payment experience:

  • Express Checkout: Customers can complete purchases quickly by enabling express checkout, reducing the steps required to finalize a transaction.

  • Smart Payment Buttons: The add-on supports PayPal's smart payment buttons, allowing customers to choose their preferred payment method seamlessly.

  • One-Click Refunds: Easily issue refunds to customers directly from your WordPress dashboard, streamlining the refund process and improving customer satisfaction.

  • Customizable Payment Confirmation: Customize the payment confirmation page to provide customers personalized messages, additional information, or promotional offers.

  • Multi-Currency Support: Expand your customer base globally by accepting payments in various currencies, making it convenient for international buyers.

5. How to Integrate WPForms PayPal Standard WordPress AddOn into Your Website

Integrating WPForms PayPal Standard WordPress AddOn into your website is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Install WPForms: If you haven't already, install and activate the WPForms plugin on your WordPress website.

  2. Get WPForms PayPal Standard AddOn: Purchase and download the latest WPForms PayPal Standard AddOn from the official WPForms website.

  3. Install and Activate the AddOn: From your WordPress dashboard, go to "Plugins" > "Add New" and upload the AddOn file. Once uploaded, activate the AddOn.

  4. Configure PayPal Settings: In your WPForms settings, navigate to the "Payments" tab and select "PayPal Standard." Enter your PayPal email address and other relevant details.

  5. Create a Form: Create a new form or edit an existing one using WPForms. Add necessary fields like product details, pricing, and any additional information you require.

  6. Enable PayPal Standard: In the form builder, go to "Payments" > "PayPal Standard" and toggle the switch to enable PayPal as a payment option for your form.

  7. Customize Payment Settings: Configure the payment settings according to your requirements, such as currency, tax settings, shipping options, etc.

  8. Save and Publish: Save your form and publish it on your website. Customers can now make payments through PayPal using the paper you've created.

6. Step-by-Step Guide for Installation and Setup

Installing and setting up WPForms PayPal Standard WordPress AddOn is a breeze. Here's a step-by-step guide to assist you:

  1. Step 1: Purchase the latest WPForms PayPal Standard Add-On version from the official WPForms website.

  2. Step 2: Log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to "Plugins" > "Add New."

  3. Step 3: Click the "Upload Plugin" button and select the AddOn file you downloaded in Step 1.

  4. Step 4: After uploading the file, click the "Activate" button to activate the AddOn.

  5. Step 5: Once activated, you will see the WPForms PayPal Standard AddOn listed in your WordPress plugins.

  6. Step 6: Configure PayPal settings by navigating to "WPForms" > "Settings" and selecting the "Payments" tab.

  7. Step 7: Enter your PayPal email address and other relevant details. Save your changes.

  8. Step 8: Create or edit a form using WPForms that you want to integrate with PayPal Standard.

  9. Step 9: In the form builder, go to "Payments" > "PayPal Standard" and toggle the switch to enable PayPal as a payment option.

  10. Step 10: Customize the payment settings, such as currency, tax settings, and shipping options, to fit your requirements.

  11. Step 11: Save your form and publish it on your WordPress website.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed and set up WPForms PayPal Standard WordPress AddOn.

7. Tips for Optimizing WPForms PayPal Standard WordPress AddOn

To make the most of WPForms PayPal Standard WordPress AddOn, consider the following tips:

  • Responsive Design: Ensure your website and payment forms are mobile-friendly for a seamless user experience on all devices.

  • Clear Call-to-Action: Use clear and concise language to guide users toward making a payment.

  • Test Transactions: Before launching your website or implementing major changes, perform test transactions to ensure everything functions correctly.

  • Security Measures: Regularly update WPForms and WPForms PayPal Standard AddOn to benefit from the latest security patches and improvements.

  • User Feedback: Gather customer feedback about their payment experience and adjust based on their suggestions.


With the latest version of WPForms PayPal Standard WordPress AddOn, you can elevate your online payment options and streamline your business transactions. Integrating PayPal's Standard payment gateway into your WordPress website provides customers with a secure and trusted payment method. Follow this guide's installation and setup steps to start accepting payments easily and efficiently.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is WPForms PayPal Standard WordPress AddOn compatible with the latest version of WordPress?

A: Yes, WPForms PayPal Standard WordPress AddOn is regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest version of WordPress.

Q: Can I accept payments in multiple currencies using WPForms PayPal Standard WordPress AddOn?

A: Yes, the latest WPForms PayPal Standard WordPress AddOn version supports multi-currency payments, allowing you to accept payments in various currencies.

Q: Are refunds possible with WPForms PayPal Standard WordPress Add-On?

A: Absolutely! With the latest version, you can issue refunds directly from your WordPress dashboard, simplifying the refund process.

Q: Can I customize the payment confirmation page with WPForms PayPal Standard WordPress AddOn?

A: Yes, the add-on allows you to customize the payment confirmation page, providing a personalized experience for your customers.

Q: Where can I purchase and download the latest WPForms PayPal Standard WordPress AddOn version?

A: You can purchase and download the latest version of WPForms PayPal Standard WordPress AddOn from the official WPForms website.

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of the latest WPForms PayPal Standard WordPress AddOn version, you can enhance your WordPress website with seamless and secure payment options. Start integrating this powerful add-on today and elevate your online business.

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Item details
Version v1.7.1
Category WordPress Plugins
Latest update 2023-06-10
Comments 0
High resolution Yes
Sales 0
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