Easy Digital Downloads Conditional Success Redirects GPL WordPress Addon
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Easy Digital Downloads Conditional Success Redirects WordPress Addon: Streamline Your E-commerce Success

1. Introduction

Running a successful e-commerce store requires effective management of your digital products and an exceptional customer experience. Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) has long been a popular WordPress plugin for managing digital sales, and now with the addition of the Conditional Success Redirects addon, you can take your e-commerce success to new heights. In this article, we will explore the power of the Easy Digital Downloads Conditional Success Redirects WordPress Addon and its ability to streamline your sales funnel and increase conversions.

2. Understanding Easy Digital Downloads Conditional Success Redirects

The Easy Digital Downloads Conditional Success Redirects WordPress Addon is a feature-rich tool that allows you to redirect customers to specific pages based on their purchase history and other predefined conditions. This addon integrates seamlessly with Easy Digital Downloads, providing you with granular control over the post-purchase experience.

With Conditional Success Redirects, you can dynamically redirect customers to custom thank-you pages, upsell offers, membership registration pages, or any other relevant destination based on their purchase behavior. This personalized approach enhances customer satisfaction and increases the likelihood of repeat purchases.

3. Benefits of Using the Addon

By leveraging the power of Easy Digital Downloads Conditional Success Redirects, you can enjoy several key benefits that will positively impact your e-commerce business:

a) Enhanced Customer Experience: Tailoring the post-purchase experience based on individual customer behavior creates a sense of personalization and improves customer satisfaction. Redirecting customers to relevant pages increases engagement and encourages them to explore additional offers, leading to higher conversion rates.

b) Increased Conversion Rates: Conditional Success Redirects allows you to strategically redirect customers to upsell or cross-sell offers, maximizing your revenue potential. By presenting customers with targeted offers immediately after purchase, you can capitalize on their buying intent and boost your conversion rates.

c) Improved Marketing Campaigns: With Conditional Success Redirects, you can optimize your marketing efforts by redirecting customers to specific landing pages tied to your campaigns. This addon enables you to measure the effectiveness of your marketing channels and refine your strategies based on real-time data.

d) Streamlined Membership Registration: If you offer membership programs, Conditional Success Redirects simplifies the registration process by automatically redirecting customers to the registration page after purchase. This seamless transition reduces friction and ensures a smooth onboarding experience for your members.

4. Implementation Guide

Installing the Addon

To get started with Easy Digital Downloads Conditional Success Redirects, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to "Plugins" and click on "Add New."
  3. Search for "Easy Digital Downloads Conditional Success Redirects" in the plugin repository.
  4. Click "Install Now" and then activate the plugin.

Configuring Conditional Success Redirects

Once the addon is activated, you can configure the settings by following these instructions:

  1. Go to "Downloads" in your WordPress dashboard and click on "Settings."
  2. Select the "Conditional Success Redirects" tab.
  3. Configure general settings such as redirect method, cookie expiration, and behavior for incomplete purchases.
  4. Save your changes.

Creating Redirect Rules

With Easy Digital Downloads Conditional Success Redirects, you can create custom redirect rules based on various conditions. To set up a redirect rule, follow these steps:

  1. Go to "Downloads" in your WordPress dashboard and click on "Conditional Success Redirects."
  2. Click on "Add New Redirect Rule."
  3. Define the conditions for the redirect, such as product, customer, or purchase history.
  4. Specify the destination URL or choose from predefined options.
  5. Save the redirect rule.

You can create multiple rules to cater to different customer segments and purchase scenarios, ensuring a personalized experience for every customer.

5. Real-World Examples

To provide you with inspiration for implementing Easy Digital Downloads Conditional Success Redirects, here are a few real-world examples:

a) Upsell Offers: Redirect customers who purchased a basic version of your product to a page promoting an advanced version or a related premium product.

b) Membership Registration: After customers purchase a membership plan, redirect them to a dedicated registration page to complete the signup process.

c) Exclusive Content Access: For customers who purchased a specific product, redirect them to a page granting exclusive access to bonus content or resources related to their purchase.

These examples illustrate how Conditional Success Redirects can be tailored to your specific business goals and enhance the customer journey.


Easy Digital Downloads Conditional Success Redirects WordPress Addon empowers e-commerce store owners to optimize their sales funnel, personalize the customer experience, and increase conversions. By strategically redirecting customers based on their purchase history, you can maximize the potential of every transaction and foster long-term customer loyalty. With the benefits of enhanced customer experience, increased conversion rates, improved marketing campaigns, and streamlined membership registration, this addon is a valuable addition to any Easy Digital Downloads-powered store.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Can I use Easy Digital Downloads Conditional Success Redirects with any WordPress theme?

A1: Yes, Easy Digital Downloads Conditional Success Redirects works with any well-coded WordPress theme. It seamlessly integrates with Easy Digital Downloads and provides a consistent user experience.

Q2: Can I create multiple redirect rules for different products?

A2: Absolutely! Easy Digital Downloads Conditional Success Redirects allows you to create an unlimited number of redirect rules based on various conditions, including product-specific rules.

Q3: Can I track the effectiveness of my redirect rules?

A3: Yes, the addon provides comprehensive reporting and analytics features, allowing you to monitor the performance of your redirect rules. You can track conversions, click-through rates, and other key metrics to optimize your strategies.

Q4: Does the addon support localization for international customers?

A4: Yes, Easy Digital Downloads Conditional Success Redirects is fully compatible with localization plugins and supports multiple languages, making it suitable for global e-commerce businesses.

Q5: Is technical support available for the addon?

A5: Yes, the Easy Digital Downloads team provides dedicated technical support for their addons, including Conditional Success Redirects. You can reach out to their support team for assistance with any queries or issues.

Remember, with Easy Digital Downloads Conditional Success Redirects WordPress Addon, you can revolutionize your e-commerce success by delivering personalized experiences and maximizing your conversion potential. Take advantage of this powerful tool today and see the difference it makes in your online business!

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Item details
Version v1.1.8
Category WordPress Plugins
Latest update 2022-10-04
Comments 0
High resolution Yes
Sales 0
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