Simple Custom CSS and JS PRO GPL WordPress plugin
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Simple Custom CSS and JS PRO – GPL Latest Version

Get complete management over the layout and performance of your WordPress site. Customize your WordPress site’s look without problems, including customized CSS and JS code, barring altering your theme or plugin files. Essential for WordPress professionals.

Apply solely on favorable URLs

By default, the code is utilized for the whole website. Use this characteristic to hinder the pages on which the code indicates up. For example, the settings from the left screenshot will follow the code on the complete website, besides the pages with the URL containing the phrase “category.” You can add similar constraints to shape precisely the pages you want.

Network large customized CSS/JS/HTML codes

Any customized CSS/JS/HTML code written in the fundamental subsite can exhibit on all the different subsites on multisite WordPress installations if enabled “Apply network-wide” alternative is. The Simple Custom CSS and JS Pro plugins want to be activated on all the subsites where you desire the customized code to exhibit. However, the license key doesn’t want to be started on every subsite for this performance to work.

Add shortcodes

Any customized HTML code can be positioned in the page’s header and footer; if given an id, it can be used as a shortcode in a page/post or a textual content widget. The shortcodes additionally be given variables so that the equal shortcode can be proven in countless locations on your internet site with moderate modifications. In a multisite WordPress installation, a shortcode described in the predominant subsite with the “Apply network-wide” alternative enabled can be used in any subsite.

Preview the code changes

You can look at how the internet site appears earlier than you shop the code and practice the modifications live. A preview web page will be opened in a new tab by clicking on the Preview Changes button. The generated URL in the new account can be shared with your co-workers or customers, so you can ask their opinion about the adjustments before making them live.


Keep a record of all the adjustments accomplished to the CSS and JS codes, the options, the date, and the person who has finished the changes. You can examine any two character revisions to see what used to be added, what remained unchanged, and what was once removed.

Use Sass or fewer Preprocessors

Get an expert with CSS by including nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and mathematical or logical calculations … If you already write in Sass or Less, you comprehend the abundance of advantages. 

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Item details
Version v4.34.0
Category WordPress Plugins
Latest update 2023-06-10
Comments 0
High resolution Yes
Sales 0
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